Course in Nine Star Ki ~ Feng Shui Astrology
06/24/2023Nine Star Ki Astrology On Line Course ~ September 2023
In September 2023 I will offer a Nine Star Ki Astrology Course in a Three Part Series.
Based on the Five Elemental Theory, which is used in all Asian healing modalities, Nine Star Ki will awaken you to your ‘Elemental Personality’ and reveal aspects of self. These are qualities, strengths and behaviours that you may have not ever recognized or actualized in the way of healing or understanding. Five elements are spread between Nine Personality types. Your elemental inner and outer nature is reflected through your life journey.

Nine Star Ki is based on Ursula Major
Each and every individual has a unique Nine Star Ki Elemental nature which will reveal the inner workings of your journey. Its study will allow you specific knowledge regarding your Health, Career, Relationships, Creativity, Physical strengths and weaknesses plus the best Spiritual practises. It can even guide you in Annual Planning, Timing and Travel on the planet.
Level One and Two are mandatory
Level Three is optional yet highly recommended.
In Level Three you have the will learn how to combine your chart with family members, spouses and colleagues. It will further develop your skills by allowing you practice and feedback on the intricacies of reading multiple charts for compatibility.
LEVEL ONE ~ Introduction to Nine Star Ki and The Five Elemental Theory
TO fully grasp the work involved in reading your personal chart and understanding the elements we will cover the Five Elemental Theory. This part of the course orients you in directional energy as well as elemental characteristics that will be translated into personality traits. We will learn how to determine the Principle Number and element for you personally. *This Number and Element is your Adult personna and not unlike your Sun sign in Western Astrology.
LEVEL TWO ~ The Nine Personalities Elementally and Character Numbers
Once we have grasped the elements, we will then delve into the various personalities of the Principal number elements and add the Character Number to the mix. This number is the root of your emotional body. *This Number and Element is not unlike the Moon Sign in Western astrology. Here you will learn of you have ‘multiple elements’ or are all one Element in your Nine Star Ki make up. We will also look at how to read charts to learn
LEVEL THREE ~ Combining Your chart with others charts for Compatibility
In this part of the course we will add the Energetic Number and Element. This Number is how others perceive you. *This Number and Element is not unlike your Ascendant in Western astrology. This rounds will learn how to read other’s charts in combination with your chart. You will learn how to do couple and families or a group of colleagues or friends. It will also give you a key to your personal movement on the planet and timing of events in your life.
Offered On- line:
Join me on the dates below or sign up for a video to be sent within 3 days of these dates and levels, so you can keep up with the class.
The LIVE classes will commence on ZOOM promptly at 11:00 AM PST (Pacific Standard Time) with a 10 minute check in time prior. The links to the classes will be send upon registration and payment.
The dates of the course are:
September 10, ~ Level One ~ 45 Minutes teaching /15 min for check in’s & discussion
September 17, ~ Level Two~ 45 Minutes Teaching //15 min for check in’s & discussion
September 24, ~ Level Three ~ 60 Minutes Teaching /15 min for check in’s & discussion
The taped video’s must be viewed no later than 3 days after the live sessions above:
Level One ~ Video available until Sept 14
Level Two ~ Video available unit Sept 21
Level Three ~ Video available until Sept 28
This allows for consistency and all students to be up to speed for the Q and A sessions.
LIVE Q & A sessions will be Sept 14th, Sept 21 and Sept 28th
Forum for discussion available from Sept 13th until Sept 30th, with reviews of each students work and practice available upon demand until Sept 30th 2023.
In Summary the course will offer:
- Three Levels over 3 sessions ~ a total of 3.25 hrs live on line teaching
- OR 3 teaching videos ~ a total 2.5 hrs minutes of instructional video
- 3 part PDF Manual sent 3 days prior to each teaching date.
- 3o day on demand access to an online forum. Here you can meet other students for support
- 3 day access to Question and Answer sessions made available to all students.
Register for all three levels $195.00
After August 10
$ 150.00
Register for all three levels $ 240.00