Dia Del Muertos, Diwali & The Power of Elemental Feng Shui


Celebrating the Seasons

Oddly beautiful and real, this photo captures the whimsical return of the ancestors on Dia Del Muertos

Feng Shui stems from cultural influences of the East yet celebrates the universal cycles of the seasons and the our transition through time.

In North America we celebrate Halloween or All Hallowed Eve which is the night before of  ‘All Souls Day’ in Christian traditions. Known as the ‘thinning of the veils’ between the living and the dead it offers this reflection through its festivities.

Celebrated as Dia Del Muertos in Mexico, it’s a colourful reminder of the ancestors who came before us, and communities created from our linages. On Feng Shui Compass or Bagua, we honour the energy of Ancestors in the East. It is traditionally the location of sunrise, spring and rebirth and the wood element. Our uniqueness & personality traits are passed through the DNA of our ancestry.

In India, Diwali, the festival of lights is celebrated on the New Moon of the in the darkest month. In a culture where ‘reincarnation’ is a common belief this festival comes close to Halloween in 2019. This year Halloween, Dia del Muertos and Diwali traditions mark this ‘shift over’ in seasons as time to celebrate and prepare for the coming winter months.

The awe of nature and the subversive energy of its power comes to light at this time of year. Author celebrates a full moon in Rishikesh, India.

The colour orange marks the Earth element and the season. This time of year symbolizes the cycle of death and decomposition, as crops sink back into the earth from which they were born. In the Buddhist tradition, orange is warn as sign of wisdom, strength and dignity, all attributes of the earth element.

Sadhu Spiritual man of India wears a combination of orange and yellow; both Earth tones.

In Feng Shui the elements are used to teach us how to create positive, auspicious energy in our lives, homes and work environments. Seasonal shifts are but one aspect of the power of The Five Elemental Theory which is at the core of all Asian healing practices.  

Marigolds and robes of orange are symbols of wisdom in Buddhism. In Elemental Feng Shui orange is one of the many colours of Earth.

*In honour of the ancestors, death and rebirth I am offering a 15% discount on Feng Shui assessments and 5 Elemental Tao readings. These are both powerful tools that serve to guide you into the fertile winter months ahead.

* see my next blog for more details on Feng Shui Consultant Assessments.