September 2024 Courses


Indoor outdoor Spaces with Ming Tang

Gardens & Symbology

SEPTEMBER 21 – from 11am to 1:30pm PST on ZOOM

My Feng Shui Master would often say that plants can be like errant children. And we have to train them to help them selves; otherwise we can become slaves to them. This 2.5 hour exploration will allow you to see where you can shift energy in your garden. This course will teach you some practical methods of plant training and plant self preservation. The result is you freeing up mental and physical space to better enjoy and empower you and the spaces you have or want to create that bring in the natural world.

Symbology is a big part of Feng Shui and we will touch on this during the course above.

feng-shui-for- parents-with-young-children

Feng Shui can be a bonus for creating family harmony especially with young children in the home.

Feng Shui for parents with Young Children

SEPTEMBER 28 – from 9:00 am to 10:30am  PST on ZOOM

In this workshop I will be talking about how to optimize your home spaces in terms of placement for those parents with children under 9 years old. For all those registered I will do a family birth chart analysis to determine optimal directions for you and your children. This can assist you with colours, symbology, and elements required in your child’s space for harmony and peaceful surroundings. I will also expand on certain aspects of design and Feng Shui that allow you to feel anchored in your home and provide the best atmosphere for the family. Should there be interest I will expand into a workshop about preteens and teens in the future.

Garden Planning for 2025

SEPTEMBER 28- From 11am- 1:30 pm PST on Zoom

Whether you are a prolific gardener, or are new to tending to plants and their healing powers, this course will give you valuable tips for not just next season but also how to create gardens for winter enjoyment. We will look at Plant Symbology, Healing energies and of course how to talk to the Devas. I will also assist you will design information for creating your out door spaces. Identifying what works in your outdoor spaces and how to shift it up can empower you on many levels. We can bring more clarity, health and well being into our lives when we connect and activate our external spaces.


Moon Gates in Gardens Symbolize Transition into a magical world

Investment & BONUS

$90.00 CDN per course

 $165.00 for two courses if you sign up and pay for both at the same time.

ALSO If you register for two of the 3 course in September get a 21% discount on a combination Feng Shui and Nine Star Ki Personal Reading.

See this page for details of the above reading:

Value $180.00 Regular reading price with discount the reading is $140.00 

Zoom details will be sent upon Registration and Payment